

Nigger No. 40 Would Be Proud

I am sick and tired, fed up and wrung out!

Some folks may read the title of this article and immediately think of some biblical reference to anti-christs and all that bunk, but in fact it is a purely secular and accurate reference to the bastards that think they run the world.

What sets me off today is an article in The Jakarta Post, buried of course, that the goovernment is rolling out the new e-ID, and so far 1.3 million Jakartans have been marked as slaves. Well, it doesn't actually say 'slaves,' but the implication is there.

The Indo government is issuing a single-number-for-life system ID, much like the well-ensconsed Socialist Security system in the States. They want to stamp every citizen with a single ID number that will follow them around for life, tracking and tracing everything they do.

Anyone who has studied this matter already knows that organizations like the World Bank make countries, as part of the loan agreements, stamp and track all their citizens, so that a single database can be created of every human being on Earth. That way we can all be tracked everywhere we go, all our transactions can be traced and all of our family associations can be catalogued. This enables a global fascist pseudo-government, which can then tax every human being just for existing.

It's time to put an end to this f$*%ing garbage!

There are two sides to my family history. Part of it owned slaves, and the other part were active in freeing them. Rather schizo, but there it is. At any rate, there are photos of various members of the family with slaves in tow. According to family lore, the slaves were numbered. There's Nigger No. 40, Nigger No. 12 and others, whose real, human names are forgotten, but their numbers survive even to this generation.

If you, as I do, have a government issued number for life, then you are 'Nigger No.000000 (fill in your personal ID number).' That is all this whole numbering thing is. It just reduces you to a catalogue entry in the Massah's Nigger Book.

Now, I can understand, to a certain extent, the desire of Indos to run out and have their photo taken and their fingerprints recorded, and get their shiny new e-ID card. Indos have a certain inferiority complex, in that they have been slaves so long to foreign powers who came here and exploited them. Now, they want to show that they are free and thus subscribe to a certain 'me-too-ism.' If the big countries are doing it, them we want it, too.

I'm here to tell ya, remember what your parents and grandparents told you about Dutch occupation, Japanese occupation and Chinese occupation? Well, the new e-ID is global occupation, and you should run from it as fast as you can.

I know. I am a refugee from a country that is hell-bent on making its people good little slaves, or as they say these days, human resources. I barely escaped with my life after fighting the bastards for 20 years.

If you are Indonesian, you DO NOT want this number. DO NOT get one. Loudly and vociferously fight any attempt to create a system of numbers for real, living human beings. We are NOT numbers!

Oh, trust me, they will make it seem so beneficial. If you get the number, you can join in on all these benefits, like pensions, health care and unemployment benefits. You will be cared for from birth to death.

Just like any good Massah did with his Niggers. Those slaves were expensive, so it was in the Massah's best interest to feed, clothe and car for his Niggers. In the photos, Nigger No. 40 looks plenty healthy, and is even smiling. But, he was still a slave.

If that's the life you want, then by all means, feel free. But, do NOT try to force that crap on me or anyone else who wants to live free on the Earth that God created. If I owe allegience to anyone, it is to the being who created this beautiful and free Earth, not some f#$%ing bankster!

Anyone with any sense who likes being a free human being is running as fast as they can away from the regional centers that are issuing this abomination.

If you are a good Muslim, then you are the property of Allah, not any government or bank. If you are a good Christian, or good Buddhist, or anything else, then your mark comes from a much higher source than this insiduous stamping by HUMAN institutions. Sorry, I don't remember making them my Massah.

One need only recall the Nazis, who tatooed their slaves with ID numbers, and catalogued them in thick books, with personal traits and strengths, so they could be assigned to positions were they would be most useful.

They were, in every sense of the term, human resources.

I am NOT a numan resource. That implies: 1) that I belong to someone like a thing, and 2) that they can use me up and discard me like trash when they are done.

I won't tolerate it!

Why in the hell do corporations have Human Resource Departments? Why not Employee Management, or Labor Office, or some other less-slave like name? Why are we just resources, like paper or gasoline or pencils? Why do we accept this rubbish?

It's all part of this whole pervasive mentality that somehow banks and government and corporations created everything. Why else would we need permission from do what God created us to do?

If God created the Heavens and the Earth, then why in the hell do I need permission from my government to leave one piece of that Earth, and permission from another government to go to another piece? If God created the Heavens, then why do I need permission from government to build a rocket and go out there?

What EXACTLY did governments create that I need permission from them to do anything?

On top of that, now bastards like Algore are trying to impliment a system of carbon credits that make me liable to government for BREATHING!

F$#% the whole damn bunch of them!

I know other people see this happening. I know other people are fighting this. But, why do the great numbers of people flock to the sheering centers and allow themselves to be called 'resources' and happily take their Nigger numbers? Don't they see it and understand what's happening?

Or are they just happy to have something cuddle them, feed them and tell them it's all going to be alright...until we're done with you. Then we just wad you up and throw you away, like some candy wrapper when the candy is finished.

Just exactly why are those bastards any more qualified to run the world than me? They aren't any smarter. They aren't any more powerful. They still have to shit and put their pants on one leg at a time. They don't have access to any more education than me.

In short, I am just as qualified to be their master, as any other arrangement.

It's high time we go back to right thinking. It's time to start using words like 'servant' when referring to anyone working in government. The whole use of 'authority' and 'official' is done. When they get referred to with those words, they actually begin to think they are above us real people, that somehow they have higher authority than we do.

If we go back to the idea of government as servant, then a lot of these problems will start to go away fast. Not only will we real people feel more empowered, but those in goverment service will know where they stand in the pecking order. We, the people, are the 'authorities' and the 'officials.' Those non-productive sorts who lurch around the bureaocracy are the servants.

If anyone should be getting numbered, it is the servants of the people, not the people themselves.

Time to stop being cattle and start being cats.

And while we're at it, we need to change a few other things. We need to take guns out of the hands of governments and put them back into the hands of people. Governments are dangerous beasts as they are. Giving them guns and death toys only makes them more dangerous and encourages them to think of us as their servants and 'resources.'

If every man in any given country is required to own at least one gun and to be trained and certified once a year, then what enemy in its right mind would attack that country? They would have to fight door-to-door, and couldn't possibly match the overwhelming resistance. We wouldn't need armies, as their only purpose would be offensive, since the entire population would be the defense forces of a nation.

Any government that doesn't allow its people to own guns sees itself as the master of the people. It only wants to protect its monopoly on power. It only sees its people as slaves.

And thus, the need to number and stamp and track everyone.

First, take the guns. Then, treat the people like slaves. Finally, when they act like slaves, give them numbers and call them 'resources.'

With enough propaganda and a few carrots hung in front of them, the people will come to accept their lot and after a while, won't remember that they are the masters and they are the powerful ones.

Somewhere, even now, Nigger No. 40 is smiling away, because now even his Massah is a nigger, too.

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