

BOOK REVIEW: The Cosmic War

TITLE: "The Cosmic War," by Joseph P. Farrell
SUBTITLE: "Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Acient Texts"
ISBN: 978-1-931882-75-0
PUBLISHER: Adventures Unlimited Press
420ppg., footnotes, bibliography, photos, illustrations
AVAILABLE: Far Side Store, link in side bar

Both the American and Russian space programs, and presumably other nascient programs in other countries, have all performed various tests to study humans in isolation. The tests involve sealing humans and other life forms off from all temporal markers, such as the Sun and Moon cycle, clocks, etc. When that happens, most lifeo n Earth maintain a biological time clock of 24 hours, but humans shift to a 25-hour cycle. The only plents in the Solar System with a 25-hour day is Mars.

Dr. Joseph Farrell, an Oxford-educated professor, who has turned to writing books on rather challenging subjects, has turned his attention to the subject of ancient texts and hyperdimensional physics. If it weren't for the fact given at the opening of this review, this might all be purely academic. However, there is empirical evidence, and strongly suggestive circumstantial evidence, to suggest that Humanity's history is far more complex than our current textbooks would have us believe.

Farrell's jumping off point is to ask, "If the ancient texts of Babylon, Sumeria, Egypt, India, China, Pre-Columbian America, and the Greco-Roman traditions are true, then how does one set out to prove this point? Can we, in fact, find sufficient evidence that the ancient gods and interplanetary war and legends and myths are actual, literal facts?

It turns out that Dr. Farrell can build a rather compelling arguement to that effect. He proceeds to build a framework for further study that includes: timeslines, geneologies, archaeolgies, astronomical observations, physics, and testable hypotheses.

To build his argument, he relies on mainstream translations, testable theories and actual artifacts. His conclusions are no less than astaounding. The implications are that the wars in Iraq and the Middle East, the current events in Egypt, the American (and possibly other) space program, and many other historical events are driven by a desire on the part of 'someone' to locate and possess ancient technology, whose locations and powers are encoded in ancient texts that nearly every major culture has.

While the possibilities are staggaring, they are no less dismissable. Farrell carefully builds his arguement, relying on mainstream research and translations, as well as alternative (but no less compelling) theories from well-known researchers. He relies on Nobel lauriates, peer-reviewed research and established cultural heritages to establish certain facts. Then he proceeds to connect-the-dots, so that the reader can form a bigger picture and begin to consider contexts that heretofore might have seemed too outrageous to contemplate.

The book is divided into three parts: Part One examines the background, Part Two looks at who, what, where, why, when, and how, and Part Three surveys far-flung evidence that begins to prove the case.

In Part One, Farrell takes the ancient myths of many different cultures and looks for overlapping images and narratives, such as a Great Flood, or a Tower of Babel, or Stone Tablets. He pieces together a three-dimensional puzzle to create a unified tapestry with a single picture of ancient warfare, gods decending to Earth and the willful destruction of Earth to squelch rebellion.

Farrell takes in Pre-Columbian American, Hindu, Babylonian, Sumerian, Egyptian, and Greco-Roman myths and texts, finding significant overlap in a surprising number of places. Some, such as the Great Flood, might be familiar to the reader, but others, such as the titles and planets associated with certain gods, might not.

The general description of the war and the weapons used to fight it, as well as the outcome, also have significant correlations throughout all the ancient myths and traditions. The reader discovers that the imagry, descriptions and timelines all line up in a remarkably similar way. For instance, ancient American petroglyphs and Babylonian/Egyptian texts seem to show or describe similar events. Stone tablets re-occur in numerous citations throughout multiple traditions. Floods and towers are common themes across many traditions, supposedly unconnected.

In Part Two, Farrell takes the ancient images and asks, 'Can they be explained with modern technology and research?' He then takes the reader on a coherent and well-documented survey of modern science and technology, with an eye to explaining and understanding the ancient in the light of the contemporary.

Here, the reader is given a brief but understandable education in things like hyperdimsional physics, orbital mechanics, scalar weaponry, and other exotic topics. Farrell's talent is that he is able to explain such things in a way that is accessable to the lay-person, while not talking down to the reader. If not fully versed, the reader at least feels comfortable with subjects like Kepler's Law, Zero-Point Energy, Scalar Physics, and Quantum Potential. It's enough that we grasp the concepts without having to learn the depths of the math to understand the connections and the implications.

What's truly earth-shaking in Part Two is not what Farrell discovers, that has all been done, but the connections he draws between seemingling disperate subjects and research, and how he is able to relate it to a single narrative of ancient war and conflict. Furthermore, that humans, or 'someone' was here on Earth to witness these events and record them in our global cultural heritage.

By the end of Part Two, the reader is left reeling, wondering how it is that all these things have been hidden. If all of the postulates that Farrell makes, and his arguements are sound, then why is it we don't know these things and study them in high school?

In Part Three, Farrell asks the question, 'If these things are true, then do we see evidence of them in our Solar System?' The answer, it turns out, is staring us in the face, every night.

The Moon has perplexed thinkers and mathmeticians for centuries. Newton declared that he could explain the physical Universe in every detail but one, the Moon. Once Farrell has completed the catalogue of anomolies concerning the Earth's Moon, the reader is left amazed that these things are not openly discussed.

The problem gets even more complex when Farrell surveys the tremendous number of anomolies on Mars and surrounding Saturn. Even the asteroid belt, normally mentioned only as a source of possible threats to Earth, becomes an open mystery, possibly indicating the existance of a former planet that is now nothing more than rubble.

Farrell goes on to look for evidence that a weaponized technology, capable of destroying planets, could have existed. Here we find things like Valles Marineris on Mars, which fits with a varied and remarkably similar tradition of the 'scarred warrior' in so many ancient legends. He finds evidence of civilizations on other planets capable of not only building highly advanced weaponry, but also spacecraft the size of moons.

Finally, Farrell asks, if there was an advanced civilization that spanned multiple planets in our Solar System, and we see evidence for that, then what has been found on Earth that could back up such a stance? It turns out that there are numerous examples of ancient advanced technolgy that have been, at least, ignored, and at worst, hidden from the general public. These things, usually called 'ooparts,' are simply dismissed as flukes, yet many are indisputable, and in eras before evolutionary theory became dogmatic, they were studied and published in well-regarded literature.

By the conclusion, the reader is way ahead of Farrell. He doesn't explicitely verbalize the obvious, but the reader can draw the strings together without help, at this point. If there was an advanced civilization, which spanned the Solar System (at least) at one point, and it had science and technology that we are only just now rediscovering, and that technology is scattered across the Solar System, and secret societies have maintained some deeper knowledge and undertanding of the myths and legends most of us dismiss in the modern era, then what does it mean for the individual?

If, as the reader has seen throughout the book, the myths are true, then key pieces of the technology would be hidden in places like Egypt, Iraq, the near side of the Moon, and certain regions of Mars. If someone believes that the myths are true, then do we see evidence of that today? How about wars in the Middle East, Apollo missions to the Moon, and the floatilla of craft that have been aimed at Mars?

By the end of the book, the reader can clearly see a grand design to so many events, escalating since the beginning of the 20th century. There is suddenly a strong thread of history that appears focused on recovering what most of us assume is nothing more than legend and allegory.

We are even able to believe that Yahweh has a family tree, that Lucifer tells the tale of a real being, that stone tablets contained software and targeting information, and that every major secret society has been trying to recover the weapons in the myths for centuries, at least as far back as the Crusades. Indeed, even the freakish weather of the past few years could be explained, under Farrell's theory, as evidence that someone found parts of the technology, and have made it work again.

At the close of the book, one is left with the impression that we have too long ignored these topics at our own peril. If someone in our contemporary society believes these things exist, and is actively pursuing the remnants of the technology using our tax money, our resources and our planetary survival in the process, then we must quickly start to look in the right places. Failure to do so is at our collective risk.

The technology could be sufficient to destroy entire planets and confer 'universal hegimony' on those who possess it. From all appearences, someone is using our lives and our wealth to regain those technologies, whether we believe in them or not. Furthermore, if they really exist, as Farrell's arguement presents, then we have a duty to ensure that no one person or group controls that kind of power, and that its existance be openly and honestly debated.

Though Farrell presents the matter dispassionately and in the highest scholarly fashion, the implications are clear and the urgency manifest. He has done a remarkable job in outlining the debate and building a roadmap for further research.

It is clearly up to the reader to use the information to effect change in society. How many wars could have been averted? How many ?lives spared? What agendas would we all be privvy to at this point?

Farrell makes it quite clear that the time for global dialogue has come and that the first order of business is Truth. It is our collective heritage and it is time to put it all on the table.

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