

Musings On Feral Gummint

If the people of the United State of America have any sense whatsoever, then we should hear almost immediately calls for an end to the Transportation Safety Administration, loud and unending demands for the dismantling of the surveillance state and Homeland Security, and gun sales should not only hit the roof, but blow through it.


Because one of the most notorious criminals in recent decades was being held in a federal maximum security facility in New York City on suicide watch with 24-hour surveillance while in solitary confinement guarded by dozens of government agents and employees.  And, died at a moment when the round-the-clock cameras just happened to fail and somehow this person had the means to "hang" himself though completely denuded of strings, belts, sheets, or other material suitable for the job.

If the feral gummint could not protect this person - either from himself or others - with all of this security around him, then it is completely powerless to protect anyone anywhere at any time.

There is, in fact, no place that is secure under the watchful eye of omnipresent gummint.  It can not stop anyone from harming me or my family at any time in any circumstance.  The only real alternative is to arm every man, woman and child, teach them proper gun handling and use, and stop paying for police services, prisons, surveillance, spies, military, et cetera ad nauseum.  It is all completely useless and Jeffrey Epstein is the proof we all need to see.

Gummint is by definition a concentration of power and wealth initially justified as a means to protect the rights and safety of a people.  However, the very act of concentrating power and wealth attracts corruption the way sugar attracts ants.  The most vile individuals in society gravitate towards gummint and ultimately they find ever new and creative ways to bilk, rob and control humanity.

History is replete with examples of gummint gone wild.  Tale after tale demonstrate that gummint is the deadliest force ever conceived by our species.  Millions upon millions of lives have been shattered and destroyed by gummint.  There is no scenario where it remains benign.  It is a cancer that grows and spreads until it consumes the society off which it lives.  The greatest contradiction of all time is the term "good gummint".

What the Epstein example shows us is that there is no place safe, no amount of security, that comes from gummint.  It is controlled by powerful individuals who can turn its knobs, push its buttons and pull its levers to make anything they choose happen.  It is painfully plain that gummint does not exist to protect us, its sole function is to ensure "they" are safe and sound from us.

Jeffrey Epstein had the power - through corruption - to bring down the global political, financial and academic power structure.  He was a glorified pimp to those who fancy themselves masters of humanity.  In an unguarded moment, he could have uttered a handful of words that could collapse entire nations (and may yet do so).  He spent most of his adult life providing forbidden fruit to the most wealthy and powerful individuals in the world. 

Do we really think he wouldn't have spilled the beans to save his own hide?  He figured, in his warped little mind, that either his own fortune or that of others would get him off (again) so that he could return to business as usual.  He had no reason to kill himself and thought no one else would either.  What's more, he was protected by the full force and power of the US feral gummint.

Fat lotta good it did him.

The point is one I have made repeatedly on this site: there is no reforming a broken System.  It is a self-protecting and self-perpetuating morass of evil and corruption that can not be excised, healed, repaired, or rehabilitated.  At best, people can take back their right and responsibility to protect themselves, but this cancer will only grow back more malignant than before.

The US feral gummint is a three trillion dollar per year fiasco that could not protect one individual is a maximum security facility - either from himself or others - surrounded by all the trappings of power.

This is not just true of one gummint, it is true of all of them.  This is just the most recent and blatant example.

The next time you are subjected to a phalanx of metal detectors, surveillance cameras, body pat-downs, luggage searches, interrogations, X-ray machines, safety rules and regulations, and calls for the elimination of self-defense tools, ask yourself:

What would Jeffrey Epstein think of all this?

If the goal is to save our children from predators, then let's begin with the Beast at the lowest level of Hell - the one that protects and enables all the others.

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