In Dawn of a New Day, we talked about the symbolism hidden in plain sight. It is used as a covert form of communication and identification between occult groups who call themselves the Illuminati, or the Enlightened Ones.
In the article A Paper Moon, I demonstated the actual and very real use of alchemy in our daily lives, as the magicians who run our society take base materials, such as paper and ink, and through the use of mind control and misdirection, make us believe that these things are gold. Certainly, in alchemy, there is no difference between actual transformation and perceived transformation. Both are equally real.
In Novus Ordo Saeclorum, we discussed the origin and deeper meanings of the term ‘New World Order.’ We discovered hidden aspects of the term that refer to Saturn worship, rule of law, harvest, and judgement. Saturn ruled over the Golden Age, also known as the Ages of the Gods, until he was deposed by Jupiter, who is the archetype for Yahweh.
Saturn was the brother of Prometheus, who gave wisdom and knowledge to Mankind, often described as giving us fire, which is the symbol of enlightenment. All the brothers of Saturn were giants, which corresponds with the Genesis tales of giants and men of renown (which actually refers to the heavens).
Now, to tie all this together…
The Illuminati are a very real and very active occult group. They have various factions and ‘lodges,’ some even competing against others. There are various ‘houses,’ which comprise the different factions, that are similar to religious sects. Most operate under the leadership of the Vatican, though not all. The focus of their worship is something called ‘Lucifer,’ which simply means ‘light bearer.’ It is an occult reference to Prometheus and the ‘fire’ that was given to Mankind.
The Illuminati believe that their special blood-lines are directly descendent from the Titans, of which Saturn was the most powerful. They believe that their blood-lines were once gods that ruled over the Earth, and by extension, the entire Universe, for ages uncounted. They believe, either truly or symbolically, that their First Father was Caelus (Father Sky) and their First Mother was Terra (Mother Earth).
The Illuminati actually believe that they are the rightful heirs to Life, the Universe and Everything.
They also believe in a process called ‘apotheosis,’ which literally means ‘the revelation of godliness.’ In others words, through various processes, they can actually become gods. This is by no means a new concept. The Buddha is believed to have achieved apotheosis, as is George Washington. Through a combination of enlightenment, achievement, ritual, and technology, the Illuminati believe they can regain their ‘rightful’ place as gods over all the Universe, in union with their brother Saturn.
As crazy as this all sounds, these folks actually believe that they are the protectors of secret knowledge that has been passed down for countless generations. They believe this information will enable them to transform themselves into gods and create a New Golden Age…the Dawn of a New Day.
There are some who speculate, like Richard C. Hoagland and Joseph P. Farrell, that one of the key ingredients of the transformation is an ancient technology that has been scattered all over the Solar System. The arguments are compelling, and in the case of the two authors mentioned, well-documented, as well.
The story goes that the myths of gods and heavenly wars are at least partially based on fact. At some point, warring factions among the ‘gods’ destroyed entire planets and left devastation on others. When it was done, there were bits and pieces of amazing technology scattered throughout the planets, and various groups such as NASA have been racing to find the key to this technology, presumably lying about somewhere in the Solar System.
If one approaches the arguments with an open mind, there certainly seems to be a good bit of proof to the idea that at least some groups on Earth believe in the literal truth of the myths and legends, and that they are actively pursuing something ‘out there.’ Certainly, just because it sounds outlandish doesn’t make it false.
The arguments also happen to make sense of a lot of otherwise disjointed events in history.
The arguments also happen to make sense of a lot of otherwise disjointed events in history.
What is without dispute, by anyone who has done even a modicum of investigation, is that there are covert groups today who call themselves by various names, but who generally fall under the classification of Illuminati. These groups manipulate global events and populations towards some end to which we are not openly privy. They are able to control large groups of people through the manipulation of symbols using mass media and cultural institutions.
Because of the occult nature of these groups, we can only speculate on what their ultimate goals are. Certainly, they want to dominate the Earth, control all human life on it, and reshape civilization into their own image. To what ends? That’s the key question.
We know that they manipulate us by design. We know that they use a catalogue of symbols and mythological references. We know that they engage in certain rituals and practices. And we certainly know that we aren’t part of it.
Humans are being redesigned through the use of GMO foods and vaccines. We can perceive the means even though the ends are shouded in mystery.
The Earth is being modified through the use of chem-trails and electro-magnetic manipulations, such as HAARP. We can see the means, but the ends aren’t quite clear.
We know that these efforts are planned and coordinated through elite groups, such as the CFR, Club of Rome and Bilderbergs. The programs are designed and instigated, and the results are measured. Based on some criteria of success, the efforts are tweaked to speed up, slow down or change the course of these manipulations.
The Illuminati are quite real, though you can’t point at one group or location and say, “That’s it.” The term ‘illuminati’ is a collective identifier that encompasses a great many groups, some with contrasting goals and beliefs. However, we can surmise with a degree of certainty what is hidden from our view, by dissecting the outward clues and drawing logical conclusions, no matter how strange they may seem.
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