Here Thar Be Monsters!

From the other side of the argument to the other side of the planet, read in over 149 countries and 17 languages. We bring you news and opinion with an IndoTex® flavor. Be sure to check out the Home Site. Send thoughts and comments to bernard, and tell all your friends. Note comments on this site are moderated to remove spam. Sampai jumpa, y'all.


Q & the Qult - Livestream on YouTube

 Be sure to check out our inaugural livestream with Joseph P. Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts, entitled "Q & the Qult - A Multi-Spectrum Anaysis".  Should be quite amazing! Tuesday, 13 October 2020/1300 CDT, 2000 CET, Wednesday 14 October 2020 0100WIB.

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CNN: How QAnon Uses Religion

H.Res 1154: US Congress Goes After QAnon and Anti-Vaxxing

Humble apologies to the commenter who couldn't find the channel. Searching "Radio Far Side" generally brings up several links.  However, since you found the blog, look in the right column under "Shameless Promotion" and you will find links to all my various outlets.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous14.10.20

    I could not find your channel.


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