Here Thar Be Monsters!

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Insanity Goes Viral

Introductory Thoughts


In 1953, playwright Arthur Miller released his magnum opus, called "The Crucible".  It was a commentary on the zeitgeist of its time, using the Salem witch hunts to highlight the hysteria of the McCarthy era.

The play showed a group of Puritan girls who used fear of the supernatural to get revenge on someone they didn't like.  The hysteria grew, people were hung and shunned, and it reached the point that anyone who questioned the insanity was immediately suspect of being a part of the Coven.

Seventy years later, the play is apropos once again, only this time, it's not witches or Commies, it's a virus.  Furthermore, it's no longer a community or a nation, it's a global phenomenon that defies rationality and requires nothing more than the pronunciations of a handful of "experts" to feed it.

Like supernatural scriers or self-appointed patriots, we now have scientists in the role of the clergy, waving their sheepskins at us while breathless copyreaders tell us what amazing experts the lab-coated priests are.

But let's you and I engage in a little critical thinking.  I know, I's very out of fashion these days, but maybe - just maybe - if you and I think clearly, it'll rub off on the hypnotized masses and bring a little sanity back to the world..

 Immune Response

It is necessary to clarify terms, since the Geezer Media seem incapable of doing any research and happily confuse terms to keep us all baffled by their bullshit.  The term SARS-COV-2 is the name of a "new" or "novel" virus in the Corona family.  COVID-19 is the term applied to a set of symptoms attributed to the SARS-COV-2 virus.

It is also important to note that viruses do not cause disease.  This is a common and possibly dangerous misconception.  Like allergies, one person may be completely devastated by ragweed pollen, but another could snort a rail of the stuff like Peruvian Marching Powder and have no ill effects. In fact, most people have thousands of viruses in their bodies at any given time, and they are generally benign and occasionally even beneficial.

Like allergies, folks who are susceptible to certain viruses have malfunctioning or overenthusiastic immune systems whose "off" switches are defective.  The immune system releases the usual responses to foreign particles, but the release keeps going and causing harmful effects.  

All of this immune activity is primarily regulated by T-cells. T-cells are like traffic cops who show up to accidents, clear away crowds, assess the situation, and call the ambulance, tow trucks - or the coroner.  When the mess is cleaned up, they write up the report, which forms the basis for insurance pay-outs and statistical analysis for decades to come.  This is where vaccines come in, but we'll get to that shortly.

One type of immune response that many of us are familiar with is histamines.  Histamines get released, causing the mucus membranes to pump out fluid, but the chemical that stops the process fails and we get upper respiratory issues like stuffy noses, coughs, ichy eyes, etc.  In the same way, cytokines get released, causing certain tissues to swell up, but the "off" switch doesn't get triggered, and thus the cytokine storm.  Swelling from cytokines restricts the flow of lumph, blood and oxygen, and when out of control causes a myriad of issues on its own.

Although the immune system is obviously far more complex than this brief simplification, if any part of the system fails or goes off the rails, we get sick.  The virus didn't "cause" that, the body's response did, and the body's response is regulated with vitamins, minerals and various drugs like antihistamines.

Vitamins and minerals are an essential part of every good breakfast for a reason.  They are the building blocks of all the other systems.  Imagine having a fleet of first responders, but no fuel, poor maintenance, or a crew of EMTs who are all on annual leave at the same time.  If you are deficient in any of the key chemicals, then your immune system won't create enough of a vital response - including on-off switches - and you get sick.

Extraordinary Coinciedences

There are hundreds of thousands of types of viruses, and new ones are being discovered all the time.  Of that literal zoo of viruses, there are hundreds of distinct kinds of corona viruses, which are among the largest by size known.  Of those hundreds of types, only seven are known to relate to diseases in humans and they all cause more or less the same thing: the Common Cold.

Viruses tend to cause problems with specific species of animals.  Horse viruses rarely infect cats.  Plant viruses rarely infect bacteria.  Bat viruses are not known to cause immune responses in humans...until now.  Each type of virus has a set of keys that only start the immune response in certain species.  They don't normally pick up a new set of keys, or so it has been since life began.

In recent years, the lab-coated meddlers have been monkeying around with viruses.  Some of it is pure curiosity, but most of it is geared towards military applications.  Though widely banned and frowned upon, the usual suspects continue to mix and match viral keys and genetic material to find a way to make the enemy sick while having a magic potion to keep their own troops healthy.  A poison is no good if you don't have an antidote for yourself.

One of the labs that likes to play god with viruses is called the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), in southern China.   WIV was working with the National Institute of Health (NIH), run by one Anthony Fauci, as well as several major universities in the US, and received significant funding and technolgy to pursue certain virus research that Americans didn't want done in their back yard.

On October 18, 2019, in New York City, the Center for Health Security (CFHS), of Johns Hopkins University, along with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and (of course) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation brought a bunch of folks from different disciplines together to game out a global virus pandemic, called Event 201, including various responses, consequences and opportunities such a scenario provided.  

That exact same day, October 18, 2019, the 2019 Military World Games (MWG), a kind of olympics for traned killers, were held in Wuhan.  There were more than 10,000 participants from over 100 countries, and it was the largest such event ever held, and the first held in China.

By extraordinary coincidence, the first confirmed case of COVID-19 occurred in Wuhan, China, precisely one month to the day after the Event 201 meeting in New York and the Military World Games in Wuhan.  The new COVID-19 disease was finally reported to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, and by January 17, 2020, cases were reported in Washington state and other locations around the world.  It was just three months - to the day - from Event 201 and the MWG in Wuhan, where the WIV is located, to global awareness of a "new" disease.  The global shut downs and quarantines began the following month and continue now a year later, almost to the letter following the Event 201 playbook, which itself seems to invoke many of the stipulations of the Green New Deal and Agenda 21, along with the WEF's Great Reset.


SARS-COV-19 Virus

Corona viruses prefer the mucus membranes in humans, which include the sinuses, mouth, throat, and lungs - though seemingly avoid the intestinal tract, presumably because stomach acid dissolves them.  When the body detects any of these seven types of human corona virus, it reacts by pumping out mucus and swelling those tissues (histamines and cytokines), while raise the ambient temperature in an effort to both flush and cook the viruses into submission.

For the most part, we encounter these viruses all the time, and they are flushed with a sneeze or a cough.  Occasionally, the sheer number of virus particles overwhelm the usual reflexes, referred to as viral loading, and burrow into the flesh, causing the body to react with what is essentially an allergic response.  Cytokines flood the body's systems, causing wide-spread swelling and release of T-cells.  The T-cells reconnoiter the situation and signal back-up based on perceived threat.  The result is what we affectionately call the Common Cold.  This is precisely the same chain of events that we call allergies, the only difference being the cause.  Either way, we feel like shit and call in sick.

One big problem with this response is that raising the temperature and swelling the tissues provides a nice warm, wet environment for bacteria, which are the real culprits in terms of deaths from COVID019.  The bacteria are aided and abetted by the fact that the body is busy focusing on the viruses and forgets to attack the bacteria.  We call this an "opportunistic infection".  Parasites, which are also ubiquitous like bacteria and viruses, also get a free ride while the body is otherwise distracted..

None of this is possible if sufficient amounts of certain vitamins and minerals are present, but we'll get to that in a bit.

According to reports that have tried to measure the overall diameter of the SARS-COV-2 virus, the results vary from 50nm to 140nm.  It is listed as an mRNA positive virus, meaning it has a single strand of nucleotides, rather than the double-stranded helix of DNA.  The virus' genome contains slightly less than 30,000 nucleotides, which it pastes into the host cell DNA to turn the cell into a factory making the various proteins that make up the virus' envelope, as well as generating more of the mRNA strands to stuff in the envelopes.  Viruses are not "alive," so they cannot reproduce themselves.  They high-jack resources in our cells to do the work for them.

What makes the SARS-COV-2 virus particularly unique is it seems to have the ability to mutate rapidly, and to jump species with relative ease.  These are not skills found in "normal" viruses.

The SARS-COV-2 virus shares about 97% of its genome with the RaTG13 virus found in a particular species of bat in remote western China.  SARS-COV-2 also demonstrates a remarkable ability to mutate quickly and form variants faster than the body can adjust, or corporations can produce "vaccines".  The usual Common Cold viruses have always jumbled up their protein envelopes, making it almost impossible to generate immunity or to create an effective vaccine, but this new variety puts this skill into hyper-drive.

There is some speculation that SARS-COV-2 may be jumping back and forth between domestic animals and humans, with symptoms in all species.  If true, this would be the first recorded incident of this type of transmission.

Any given type of virus might be expected to mutate >1% over millennia or longer, but for the SARS-COV-2 virus to mutate 3%, and pick up several new skills almost overnight implies something - or someone - mucking about with the mRNA strand.  Some folks believe patented genetic segments owned by Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx could provide these new skills if pasted into the bat virus.

PCR Tests

One of the most ubiquitous symbols of the COVID-19 pandemic is the Rapid Polymerase Chain Reaction Test, or rPCR test in common parlance.  It is also the least understood part of the show, which can be both dangerous and expensive.

The PCR test is not a diagnostic tool.  It doesn't know or care whether the bits of RNA and DNA it picks up belong to viruses or dinosaurs.  It's sole purpose is to detect genetic material and make as many copies of it as you need, depending on the number of cycles you set it to run.  For this reason, PCR tests are commonly used in laboratories to create quantities of genetic samples sufficient for other tests.  It is an amplifier and nothing else.

One common use of PCR tests is for crime scene forensics.  A detective swabs a piece of evidence, then runs the sample through the PCR kit, thus creating sufficient genetic material for DNA tests and analyses.  The PCR does not generate any results by itself.  It simply creates enough of a sample for use in other tests.

The size of the sample a PCR generates depends on the number of cycles it is set to run.  A major issue with this is that the higher the cycles, the more errors it generates.  Previously, the WHO recommended 45 cycles when testing for SARS-COV-2, but this results in an error rate over 90%.  It literally makes a handful of RNA nucleotides (out of 30,000) appear as if the subject is shedding viruses like pecan tree pollen, even if the person doesn't have a single complete virus in their body.  WHO recently recommended reducing the cycle rate to 35, and global "case" rates began falling precipitously.

Not only are PCR tests useless for diagnosing SARS-COV-2 infections, used incorrectly, as they generally are, they produce false positives that could lead to people being isolated and treated for something they don't have.  This practice must be adjusted or ended soon, before more people are hurt by it.


Let's get the obvious out of the way - you could hold your hand over your nose and mouth and achieve the same degree of safety as wearing a mask

The best way to prove to yourself that a mask is useless is burn a piece of paper or strike a match.  If you can smell the smoke, your mask is useless again viruses.  Molecules we perceive as odors are absolutely gargantuan compared to any given virus.  If you can smell an odor with a mask on, then you are essentially trying to block a SmartCar while letting a freight train slide past. 

Gaseous Oxygen has a molecular diameter of 120 picometers, and gaseous Carbon Dioxide, at 232 picometers, should pass through an N95 mask without much effort.  One picometer equals 0.001 nanometer.  Remember this as we plow forth.  Also remember that masks do not discriminate between incoming and outgoing, so anything you breathe out is just as likely to be trapped as anything coming in.  Thus, if you already have a virus, the mask will concentrate it at your nose and mouth, and will virtually guarantee your virus load exceeds common sense.

Surgical masks were designed to keep the surgeon's skin flakes, boogers, snot, and drool from dropping into a patient's gaping wound.  Combined with hair nets, gloves and vigorous hand-washing, the practice lowered surgical infections dramatically; however, they do little or nothing out here in the real world.

If you work with drywall, or a lot of wood dust, or live in Beijing, a mask may stop a good amount of particulates from entering your sinuses, mouth, throat and lungs.  Outside of those specific conditions, they are pretty much useless.

N95 masks are said to filter out 95% of particles less than 300nm, but this rating assumes a perfect seal around the nose and mouth, and does not have anything to do with protecting the eyes.  Furthermore, masks are only effective when one does not pinch, pull or adjust them with contaminated hands, which most people do on a regular basis throughout the day.  For instance, if you yawn, cough or sneeze, the mask will generally slide off the nose and/or chin, allowing virus particles in through gaps, and then more when you readjust the mask.  Even in a perfect situation, an N95 mask will still allow 5% or more virus particles to pass.

People who die from SARS-COV-2 do not die from anything the virus does.  The generally die from bacterial pneumonia.  The bacteria take advantage of a weakened immune system and the body's responses to the virus,c causing the lung lining to swell and release copious amounts of mucus, thus "drowning" the patient in their own juices. 

The most common cause of baterial pneumonia is the pneumococcus bacterium, a gram-positive critter ranging in size from 0.5 micrometers to 1.25 micrometers.  One micrometer equals 1,000 nanometers, so N95 masks that block most anything larger than 300 nanometers actually horde these bacteria directly in front of your nose and mouth, almost guaranteeing that you will succumb to bacterial disease long before the COVID-19 gets you.

Vaccines, Therapies & Prevention

Let's begin with vaccines.
The medical definition of a vaccine is the injection of dead or inactive viruses to stimulate a reaction by the immunie system to provide immunity to the recipient.

The legal definition of vaccine is more or less the same as the medical one, but it makes little difference, since vaccine manufacturers are broadly protected from product liability, either by actual law or contractual separation as a condition of any sales.

While the Russian Sputnik V and the Chinese CoronaVac are supposedly real vaccines, the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca jabs are not.  The latter are in fact a form of gene therapy that uses virus protein envelopes to invade cells and deliver RNA "edits" for your DNA.  The edits supposedly force your cells to mimic the effects of the virus, which in turn keeps your immune system on hyperalert - presumably forever if you continue to get jabs in the future.  Essentially, they are setting the recipient up for severe allergies, though no one is really sure what will set them off.

To be fully informed of what the gene therapy "vaccines" are really doing, you really need to listen to this interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

Frankly, the average person has no way to assess whether any vaccine functions as described, nor do we have any assurance that the vaccines do more good than harm.  As the saying goes, a patient never dies in surgery, always in recovery.  Information on side-effects is sketchy and in any case, the manufacturers are given virtual immunity from product liability.

Furthermore, most of us don't have the tools to analyze the compositions and functions of vaccines, and the methods and contents are generally proprietary and not published.  Thus, we have no way to prove what we are told about the vaccines, and no way to hold manufacturers liable for anything that goes wrong. The same is true for any of the drugs now coming to market as therapies.

In other words, we just have to take their word for it.

Gene editing using viral vectors has been around for some time.  In the early 1990s, I was involved with documenting tests of this technology for use in cancer treatment.

Virus protein envelopes containing an "updated" p53 wild gene were injected into cancer tumors in an effort to "turn off" the mutated gene and shut down cancer cells.  There was some immediate success, but unfortunately, my grant ran out before I could document long-term results, so I cannot say what the outcome was.  The linked paper is co-authored by two of the doctors I worked with.

I mention the foregoing because that is precisely the technology being used in many of the so-called SARS-COV-2 "vaccines".  I find this particularly alarming because the folks I talk to that have received or want to receive those jabs are completely uninformed and unaware of what they are getting.  This is a gross violation of the Nuremberg Protocols, and given the manufacturers' immunity from liability, millions of people are exposing themselves to great risk without being properly informed of what they are doing.

As far as therapies go, Remdesivir is the one most heralded by the Geezer Media and WHO types.  It comes with a steep price tag and questionable efficacy.  Given that it is freshly patented, it only has one manufacturer and is likely generating a decent profit.

There are, in fact, many antiviral drugs on the market, designed to work against a range of viruses like herpes, influenza and others.  They are all rather expensive and come with a number of provisos and exceptions.

There are two legacy drugs that have been shown to be quite effective, but are no longer patented and are quite cheap and widely available (or at least were before efforts to hide them and price them out of the market).  Both have been around for the better part of a century and have a wide range of uses, including antiviral.

Quinine, like acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the oldest therapeutic drugs known to humans.  Derived from cinchona trees in Peru, it works by chemically eating holes in viruses, bacteria and parasites.  The holes facilitate zinc and the body's defenses inside the critters to kill them.  Modern compounds like chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) reduce the unpleasant side effects of pure quinine, while maintaining its efficacy.  A 2009 study by the National Institute of Health (NIH), run by Anthony Fauci at the time, found that CQ is highly effective in treating corona viruses.

Ivermectin was discovered in 1975, and has since become on the go-to drugs for all things parasitic.  You can rub it on your skin for lice and scabies, or swallow it for worms, amoeba and other nasty critters.  It is used for both humans and domestic animals and the WHO says it is an indispensable addition to your medicine cabinet.  Dr. Pierre Kory testified before a US Senate hearing that ivermectin has almost miraculous effect on COVID-19, as both a treatment and a preventative.  

In Indonesia, the price of the drug has shot up in the last year, from $2/10 pills, to $20/10 pills.  HCQ was about $5/10 caps, but was summarily confiscated by officialdom and is now impossible to find.

Regardless of all other considerations, it pays to keep your immune system in peak condition.  Vaccines supposedly work by exposing the body to weakened viruses to stimulate the immune response.  One can achieve the same effect by constant low-level exposure to pathogens in daily life.  Attempting to avoid exposure reduces the number and amounts or pathogens we regularly ingest, thus the immune system does not maintain a level of antigens and makes us vulnerable when we encounter a heavy load of them.

Equally as important is maintaining a healthy supply of the materials the body needs to fight off infections.  These vitamins and minerals are used by the body in thousands of different processes that aid immunity, digestion, cell division, and a whole host of other physical and chemical reactions.  

The most important for building and regulating the immune system are B6, C and D3.  There are common and relatively cheap supplements for all three.  Of the metals iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and magnesium are essential, and supplements are also easy to find.

For my own regimen, I place a tablet of B6 under my tongue when I feel a cytokine storm coming on (sinus congestion, low-grade fever, dry cough).  It works in about 30 minutes.  I have taken 5 grams to 6 grams per day of Vitamin C for many years.  I get at least one hour of direct sunlight every day and supplement my D3 with 5,000 IU/day.  I take 20mg of zinc twice a week, using the soluble tablets so I can hold some under my tongue for a minute or two.  My diet provides plenty of iron, calcium and magnesium, but if I start to get mucle cramps, I supplement with magnesium and they go away in a day or so.  Being of Irish descent, I have to limit my iron and calcium because my body stores it quite well.  You should research this for your own body type.  As for potassium, I eat a lot of bananas.

I don't remember the last time I had the flu, and if I do get a cold, it is usually over in less than a day.  I also have no allergies that I know of, and after 60 years, I imagine I would have found some by nowI also don't get bacterial or parasitic infections, though i am susceptible to fungal infections. Still working on that one.


When this whole mess started, my wife and I went immediately to DefCon5.  If we had to go out, we undressed on the porch, put the clothes in a bag and washed them immediately.  There was little information and the Geezer Media made it sound like we were heading for Contagion or The Omega Man.  I know a lot more now, and I am not afraid of the virus.  It looks to me like everything the 'experts" recommend is the exact opposite of what clear-thinking people should do.

Just like Dr. Mom always said, get plenty of sunshine and fresh air, and eat a healthy diet.

 It's always interesting, at least to me, to examine the origins of words.  They tell us a lot about the deeper meanings and intentions of the terms we use everyday in casual and unthinking ways.  One prime example is looking up the deeper meaning of the word government, but I digress.

The word corona comes from Latin meaning "crown".  We often encounter this word when referring to the brilliant edges of the Sun, or the arteries that lay across the heart.  In the case of the SARS-COV-2 virus, it refers to the shapes of the proteins that stick out from the virus' envelope.  They appear to form a crown around this or any of the thousands of types of corona viruses.

The word virus is quite strange.  It is a Latin word that means "poisonous substance".  In essence, corona virus means "poisonous crown".  I can't help but make all kinds of associations with this thought.  One could think of it as the signature of the party that unleashed it upon the world.

What I find truly intriguing were all the articles comparing the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aries (still on-going and now with Venus too) to the Christmas Star, a phenomenon noted in the Gospels as signalling the birth of a Great King. Talmudists will certainly recognize this configuration, and it makes one wonder if the "poisonous crown" is a symbolic gesture for the coming of the new Great King.


As we have seen, the entire COVID-19 pandemic is a complete and horrific hoax.  There is no real danger from the virus if your are reasonably healthy and maintain good levels of vitamins and minerals.

The symbolism of a "poisonous crown" coming along as a particular set of astrological events occur signifying the birth of a Great King is a very strange set of coincidences.  Regardless of whether you or I believe in that nonsense, there are certainly a group of self-appointed elites who do.

It seems pretty apparent that the SARS-COV-2 was modified or created in the WIV, and was part of a coordinated effort to institute an agenda by scaring the piss out of the entire world.  In New York, a group of meddling "experts" from different fields planned the "pandemic" and global shut-down, while in Wuhan, the virus was unleashed during the MWG, and allowed to spread as much as possible before the WHO was "notified" of possible cases.  There are far too many convenient coincidences for this mess to be accidental, much less natural.

Regardless of whether the "vaccines" currently proffered actually work in the short term, no one can tell you with any certainly what the long-term outcomes will be.  Most are not vaccines as we have come to know them, but are gene therapy terhnologies that are stil in their infancy.  Traditional vaccines have an 80-year highly questionable reputation, but the new tech has no such multi-generational record.

Masks are so useless as to be less effective than painting a barrier on your face.  They are theater.  They are props in a vast cynical farce designed to make you think you are safe, without actually doing anything to BE safe.  You are far better off with a vitamin and mineral supplement regimen, and a few hours of direct sunlight and quality sleep, than anything offered by the Geezer Media and their corporate minions.

To get through this insanity, do what Mom, and Granma, and Great-grandma always taught us (this is by no means "medical advice," just generational Common Sense):

  1. Get plenty of direct sunlight on your naked skin;
  2. Get plenty of fresh air, breathing from your abdomen and not your chest;
  3. Eat plenty of red meat for the high zinc levels;
  4. Take a quinine or ivermectin tablet once in a while to beat off the baddies;
  5. Eat lots of dark green leafy vegitables;
  6. Supplement with B6, C, D3, and E;
  7. Feed a cold, starve a fever;
  8. And if you get sick, get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and have Mom send over some of her Magic Chicken Soup.

PS - My friend Chris, after reading this article, brought to my attention a long-term study on allergies in a region called Karelia that is split between Russia and Finland.  The results are not only very interesting, they speak directly to one of my themes here.   The study seems to support the proposal that the modern, sterile, sedentary lifestyle and lifetime vaccine regimen is causing people to be more susceptible to germs and allergens, rather than the other way.

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone, Dr. Riaria Herbs is a good remedy for herpes Virus , I was a carrier of herpes virus and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Riaria cure Herpes Virus, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish he sent me the herbs which I took for 2 weeks before asking me to go for a check up and getting there I could not believe that I was confirm HSV 2 Negative after the test, Today I am so happy because I'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr. Riaria. Thank God now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr. Riaria herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to God for making it possible. you can reach him on his email, I strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure. Contact Dr. Riaria via email: call or WhatsApp him on+2349134987375


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