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Indonesia Under Martial Law


With the stroke of a pen, President Joko Widodo has nullified Indonesia's Constitution, cancelled all Human Rights and placed the military in charge of enforcing his unilateral dictatorial edict, and all on the eve of the country's 75th anniversary of independence.  They should all be charged with blasphemy and jailed for no loess than two years for denying Divine Providence.  Soeharto was never this bad.

By His Majisty's Royal Pen:

The government has officially established Emergency PPKM in Java and Bali as of July 3. Rules apply until 2 weeks after that.

There are several important policies taken by President Jokowi in this regard. Just to stop the spread of the corona virus.

The following are the complete rules in the Emergency PPKM:


I. Implementation Period of Emergency PPKM: 3-20 July 2021, with a target of decreasing the addition of daily confirmation cases <10 thousand/day

II. Area Coverage: 45 Regencies/Cities with an Assessment Score of 4 and 76 Districts/Cities with an Assessment Score of 3 in Java and Bali.

III. Scope of Activity Restrictions:

1. 100% Work from Home for non essential sector [Ed.-house arrest]

2. All teaching and learning activities are carried out online

3. For essential sectors, a maximum of 50% of work from office (WFO) staff is applied with a health protocol, and for critical sectors a maximum of 100% of work from office (WFO) staff is allowed with a health protocol.

a. The coverage of essential sectors is finance and banking, capital markets, payment systems, information and communication technology, non-quarantine handling hotels, and export-oriented industries.

b. The coverage of critical sectors is energy, health, security, logistics and transportation, food, beverage and supporting industries, petrochemicals, cement, national vital objects, disaster management, national strategic projects, construction, basic utilities (electricity and water), as well as industrial needs fulfillment everyday staples of society.

c. For supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores, and supermarkets that sell daily necessities, operating hours are limited to 20.00 local time with a visitor capacity of 50% (fifty percent); Ed. - curfew 8p to 4a]

4. Activities at shopping centers/malls/trade centers are closed

5. Restaurants and cafes only accept delivery/take away

6. The implementation of construction activities (construction sites and project sites) operates 100% (one hundred percent) by implementing stricter health protocols;

7. Places of worship (mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, and pagodas, as well as other public places that function as places of worship) are temporarily closed. ]Ed.- suspension of religious rights]

8. Public facilities (public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions and other public areas) are temporarily closed; [Ed.- suspension of right to assemble]

9. Art/cultural, sports and social activities (locations of arts, culture, sports facilities, and social activities that can cause crowds and crowds) are temporarily closed;

10. Public transportation (public vehicles, mass transportation, taxis (conventional and online) and rental/rental vehicles) is enforced with a maximum capacity setting of 70% (seventy percent) by implementing stricter health protocols; [Ed.- suspension of right to travel]

11. The wedding reception is attended by a maximum of 30 (fifty) people by implementing stricter health protocols and not allowed to eat at the reception. Food can still be provided in sealed containers to take home.

12. Travelers who use long-distance transportation modes (airplanes, buses and trains) must show a vaccine card (at least dose I vaccine) and H-2 PCR for planes and Antigen (H-1) for other long-distance transportation modes.

13. Regional Government Satpol PP, TNI, Polri to carry out strict supervision of the implementation of the tightening of community activities above, especially in point 3. [Ed.- martial law, military enforcement]

14. Strengthening 3T (Testing, Tracing, Treatment) needs to be continuously applied: [Ed.- suspension of right to privacy, specifically violates Article 28(g) of the Constitution]

a. Testing needs to be continuously improved to reach a minimum of 1/1000 population / week. Testing needs to be increased until the positivity rate is <5%. Testing needs to be continuously improved for suspects, i.e. those who are symptomatic, and also in close contacts.

b. Tracing needs to be done until there are >15 close contacts per confirmed case. Quarantine needs to be carried out on those identified as close contacts. Once identified close contacts should be checked (entry-test) and quarantine needs to be carried out. If the test result is positive, then isolation is necessary. If the test result is negative, then quarantine is necessary. On the 5th day of quarantine, it is necessary to carry out an exit-test to see if the virus is detected after/during the incubation period. If negative, then the patient is considered to have completed quarantine.

c. Treatment needs to be done comprehensively according to the severity of the symptoms. Only patients with moderate, severe, and critical symptoms need to be hospitalized. Isolation needs to be done strictly to prevent transmission.

15. Achievement of vaccination target of 70% of the total population in priority cities/districts no later than August 2021


Personal Report:

In the town of Kudus, Central Java (pop. 94,000), a major effort was undertaken to vaccinate the entire town in early June.  In the past week and a half (as of July 1), we have lost two in-laws and two friends, and the problems there have made global news.

My wife's cousin reports that a similar vaccination campaign took place in the town of Jatiwangi, Central Java (pop. 83,000), and nearly the entire town is now sick or dying.  There appears to be a complete blackout on this story.

JIExpo Convention Center in Jakarta has been identified as a potential emergency field hospital and I have seen truck-loads of soldiers coming and going in the past several days.

Though the emergency is being blamed on "Delta Variant," it is clearly related to areas where vaccinations have had the widest distribution.  The primary vaccine being used here is SinoVac, developed by SinoPharm.  AstraZeneca is also being distributed, and much of the supply for this one comes from the EU and Australia, who have stopped using it and are dumping it in the Third World.

The "Delta Variant" seems clearly (to me) to be vaccinosis and not a virus of any kind, much less a variant of SARS-COV-2.

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