Here Thar Be Monsters!

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What's Your Vector, Victor?

There are essentially two ways to move something in any given direction: increase the pressure behind it, or decrease the pressure in front of it.  In physics, the direction (space) and speed of motion (time) combined are known as the "vector".

At it's most basic level, the Universe works on the "suck and blow" method.  You can suck on something to draw it towards you, or blow on it to move it away from you.  In all cases, the vector of  motion is relative to "you".  Away from "me" is towards "you".  The concept of "speed" really has no meaning.  There is only the rate of positional change relative to "you" and "me".  After all, if "you" and "me" are moving at the same speed in the same direction (vector), then we appear stationary to each other.  Think of sitting next to each other in a car.  We are both travelling on the same vector, and so appear to be motionless relative to each other.

Fun, right?

Everything in the Universe is in motion, and it got that way by either being sucked or blown.

Some folks call this the "carrot and the stick" theory of Universe.  The carrot draws you towards itself (reduces pressure in front of you), and the stick pushes you away from it (increases pressure behind you).  Same thing, different analogy.  I prefer "suck and blow," because it's more fun!

So anyway, how does this relate to the global situation and the "vector" of humanity?  And the price of tea in China, for that matter?

Essentially, if something is in motion, then something else is either sucking or blowing to make it move.  Once we figure out who/what is sucking, and who/what is blowing, all we have to do is determine the vector, and the motivation will be clear.  

For instance, if you want to change a political power structure, you create a power vacuum (suck), and increase funding to particular elements (blow).  The motive and goal are the vector, or space and time.  If we know the direction of the vector, the motive will reveal itself, and the suckers and blowers will be obvious.

To really grasp this visualization, go back and read my theory on opinions.  Vectors and ideas exist in three dimensions, just like the entire Universe.  Everyone and everything is trying to lure us or force us onto certain courses (vectors) and into certain mindsets (ideas).  They suck us or blow us in an effort to affect changes in our vectors.

So give us some examples of the Suck-Blow Theory, I hear you ask.  Very well, as you wish.

Advertising sucks,  It attempts to draw you to a product or service to complete a sale.  Marketing, on the other hand, blows.  It models your likes, dislikes and behaviors to find what motivates you and uses it against you to steer you towards a group of products and services, where the advertising can suck you in.

Government sucks.  It attempts to lure us with perceived benefits.  Taxes, on the other hand, blow.  They force us to participate in government whether we want it or not.

Love sucks.  We are drawn to someone by their attributes that we think will make good children.  Hormones blow.  They compel us to find someone to love, whether we want kids or not.

Gravity sucks, rockets blow.  Tornadoes suck, fans blow.  Tides suck and blow, depending on the time of day.  Hamburgers and lotto tickets to lure unsuspecting victims to get vaccinated suck, while mandatory vaccines blow.  Carrots suck, while sticks blow.

The more you think about it, the more you realize the entire Universe is a giant sucking sound, and it really blows.

All the forces around us are either pushing us in particular vectors, or creating a vacuum in front of us to lure us in a particular direction by reducing opposing pressure.  Either way, we are constantly being dragged or shoved one way or another, whether by other humans or Nature herself.  We are all sucked or blown by different things at different times of our lives, but at no time in this materium are we completely free from external forces.  We are constantly being sucked and blown, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

It's a rather compelling concept and I'm glad I thought of it.  By writing this all out, I am attempting to suck you into my point of view, and the various social media posts I did linking this article were a gentle blow to get you here to read it.  Perhaps you have more examples of sucking and blowing that you'd like to share with us in the comments.  For that, I will blow you to the bottom of the page and the comment box.  I am also placing my crypto addresses below in an attempt to suck some coin out of your purse and into mine for this amazing and tantalizing insight into the Grand Workings of the Cosmos.

So really, there is no racism, or prejudice, or bigotry.  The world is just full of people who suck us or blow us, and our vector is just the result of our motion through space and time as a result of being sucked and blown by others.  In the end, it's out of our hands.

Love sucks.  Hate blows.

Kind of poetic, don't you think?

How about tossing a coin in our hat?
Bitcoin: bc1qth6drgzcyt7vlxxpvqh6erjm0lmaemwsvf0272
Etherium: 0xf1F04715704dbC5E2e96E047D4aBc22c611B6E86
Ripple: rMSQzLyE3RHacCLwYPADBbq4RHQ71HpCzw
Litecoin: LQeH2i9vMKMNx5WaLjAGaHWjtfhKL6yqCE


  1. "Zounds! Great sucking chestwounds, Batman!"
    "Well blow me down and flip me over, Robin!"
    "Wait! Look, it's the AlpacaSignal! The vector's afoot!!"

  2. Zounds! Great sucking chestwounds, Batman!
    -- Well blow me down and flip me over, Robin!


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