Here Thar Be Monsters!

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Let Woke Dogs Lie

All political power, no matter who or what exercises it, is based on lies.  The most fundamental of those lies is conning people into thinking one person or group has more power than anyone else.  This is the nature of government.

Underlying all power structures is fear, and this is the goal of all lies.  Convince someone to be afraid of something, then convince them you have a way to protect them, and they will transfer their personal power to you (vote) in order to be delivered from the fear.

Essentially, the nature of power is to create a bogyman - a non-existant threat - to initiate fear, then offer a proprietary solution to the fear, but that solution has a price that inevitably creates more fear.  However, since the masses are choosing the proffered solution, those seeking power cannot be blamed, since the masses have chosen.

Unless, of course, they realize that the original boogyman was itself a lie.

I think of this as the Boots and Coots method and governance.  If you are not familiar with Boots and Coots, then you've never worked in the oil patch (don't tell Mom, she thinks I'm a piano player in a whorehouse).

Boots and Coots is famous for their rather contra-intuitive solution to oil well fires.  They place a "chimney" around the burning well, then set off explosives inside that snuff out the fire by consuming all the oxygen within.  Only Texans would think of blowing up fires.

Anyway, the analogy here is that the presumed leaders create a fearful problem that only they have the solution to fix, but the solution turns out to be worse than the initial problem, and it requires even more draconian solutions in a never-ending cycle.  Meanwhile, each iteration ratchets up the fear levels among the masses, who keep transferring more power to buy safety, based solely on the perception that the group with power was able to solve the previous crisis.

It is essential that the masses never realize the group with power were the creators of the bogeyman, or that the proffered solutions are designed to create more fear and never actually solve anything.  To maintain these illusions requires an ever expanding circle of lies to cover up the tracks of the previous deception.

Eventually, the lies get so outrageous that the masses start to wake up from their dream-state and question what the hell is going on around here.  At this point, the governing power mongers must now turn to utter tyranny to force the masses to believe the lies, or face severe sanctions, which in turn causes more of the masses to wake up.

It's a vicious cycle and the outcome is invariably war and collapse - war because the level of force required to force the masses to believe the lies, and collapse because the entire system is founded on a lie.

The ultimate issue is that when the masses awaken, they are angry and vengeful.  Notice here that I use the present participle gerund "awakening," rather than the simple past "woke".  The gerund implies an ongoing process of discovery that leads to understanding.  The simple past aspect implies a one-time event that is complete and needs no further action.  They are wildly different in their incarnations and outcomes, and highlight the importance of language and grammar in critical thinking processes.

In our current situation, one who is awakening is seeking answers and relationships to fully understand what has been done, and what is being done to them.  One who is woke has already decided they know the answer, and in the extant situation, that answer has been provided to them by the very group that seeks to control them.

The woke individual is convinced that the answer is rectifying the treatment of individuals based on their demographic and superficial characteristics.  It goes something like this: the root of all evil is slavery, and only those with dark skin have ever been slaves, therefore elevating those with dark skin to positions of power will solve the problem.

The fallacy here is manifold.  First, slavery has been visited on all races, creeds and cultures at some point or another.  There is no one group who can claim special status in this regard.  The second problem is promoting some group into the existing power structure simply makes them accessory to the lies, rather than solving any problem.  In other words, it only perpetuates the bogeyman lie, while at the same time placing another layer of blame between the perpetrators and the angry, vengeful masses.

The perceptive reader will see where this is going.  By holding up some group as sacrosanct, the power mongers are in fact creating a strawman to hide the bogeyman, and thus deflect blame and retribution, or to use their terms, turning the awakening into the woke.

Some might say this is the Hegelian Dialectic, but that over-simplifies the subtlety and cunning at work here.  The Dialectic is fairly straightforward and easy to discern, when you know what to look for.  The deception we are suffering from is far more insidious and destructive, and invidious.

Invidious because the power mongers want our wrath and retribution for two specific reasons.  One, they can blame the destruction on the masses, offer a solution, and the entire process starts again with a new bogeyman and fresh set of lies (see the January 6th "insurrection").   Two, they have superior fire-power and having a bogeyman creates the predicate to use it as a solution (witness the pillar of lies used to create this bogeyman).  The bogeyman also creates a false target that deflects attacks as surely as any shield.

This in turn creates fear, and fear leads to surrender of power, and surrender leads to more tyranny and lies.

It's a vicious cycle, one that has repeated for millennia.

An excellent analogy is the unscrupulous mechanic.  You bring your car to him with some problem.  He tinkers and taps his way around the engine, usually while you are in air-conditioned comfort sipping your "free" coffee.  He tells you it will be so much to fix the problem, and you agree, not having taken the time to learn auto mechanics.  A few hours later, you happily drive off, not knowing that the mechanic fixed the easy problem, but created another that will bring you back in a few weeks.  Not only were you fleeced on the initial visit, but you will surely be fleeced again in the near future.

The solution to our current manufactured fear is not diversity, intersectionalism, reparations, or wokeness.  It is taking the time to truly peel away the layers of lies and find the original bogeyman that created the situation - the Primordial Lie, if you will.

The Primordial Lie is never spoken of or acknowledged by the power mongers and their minions.  It is far older than the current laundry list of issues put before us.  It is so ingrained into our social and cultural trappings that most people assume it is tautological.  It is the very energy source on which the matrix operates.  When the awakened individual finds it, they realize both how simple and how devious it is.

Ending the cycle is amazingly easy.  Don't be afraid, or in the immortal words of Douglas Adams, "Don't panic!"

We must realize that the object of our fear, the bogeyman, is manufactured to create fear.  We must also realize that we have been trained (schooled) to hand over our personal power to "authorities" and "experts," who in reality have no more clue how to solve anything than we do, but are adept at creating the conditions that cause us to react in a way that is beneficial to them.  It's a simple dominance game that bypasses our rational faculties and feeds on our instincts.

Basic awareness of the motive is the most powerful weapon we have.  Just knowing what is being done leads to how it's being done.  At that point, the spell is broken and the rest is the hard part.

Once the spell is broken, we must think for ourselves and be responsible for our own safety.  That is the part for which our society is built to subvert.  Games, sports, movies and the rest are nothing more than glittering distractions to prevent us from thinking.

And that is THEIR greatest fear..

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