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Hog-Tied In Texas

Is it still OK to wave a white flag to call a truce, or is that racist and chock full of privileges and stuff?

It never ceases to amaze me how much cognitive dissonance a Bumbledick can hold in xis/xer/their head without exploding.  I suspect this capacity alone necessitates the crying rooms popping up on campuses around the Western hemisphere.

Here's the deal: Texas passed a law making abortion illegal in most cases after the first month and a half of pregnancy.  I seems that a woman (no, biological males cannot get pregnant) wants to have absolute control over her body and the choice whether to have a baby.  It is not enough that she had the choice not to have sex, or whether to use birth control, or even to have a full 45 days after conception to think about it.

I know women have difficulties making decisions, but come on.  Perhaps this is why there aren't more high-powered female executives?

Anyway, a bunch of people who make a tidy living selling aborted fetuses to medical science took the matter to the US Supreme Court in hopes of stopping the law taking effect.  The Supremes took one whiff of the case and shoved it back across the table.

Well, as even the corner palm reader could have predicted, the Bumbledicks are losing their minds.  How could the government tell anyone what to do with their body?  It's unconstitutional, they screech.  It's unnamaerican, they holler.  It will deprive a bunch of cloning researchers and vaccine makers of their grant money, they opined.  It's anti-capitalist!  Oh OK, I added that one myself.

All of this righteous indignation is coming from - get this - people who have spent the past two years berating, spraying, shunning, brow beating, attacking, molesting, and just plain being nasty to a lot of folks who don't want to be forced to wear masks, get injected with toxic waste and sit alone in their caves because of a wholly manufactured medical emergency.

Now wait a minute.  You say the government has no right to reach its grubby fingers into your uterus, but by golly it has every right to tell you what to wear, and what potions and how many times to inject into your sacred temple.

Maybe I'm a dying breed, and I often feel that way, but I perceive a direct connection between these two issues, where Bumbledicks don't seem to even allow them into the same part of the shambles they pass off as brains.

Though I personally find backing off my revulsion towards infanticide in order to prevent genocide is a grotesque Solomon's Choice, it does seem there is an oppotunity for Bumbledicks to make common cause with rational people.  It's not pretty, but it's a start into more expansive dialog.

Getting government all the way off our backs would be a tremendous victory for everyone involved.

Here's my offer: I would be willing to allow women the ability to abort a pregnancy up to the end of the second trimester, provided there is ZERO government funding (your choice, your cost) and the aborted fetus is immediately and thoroughly incinerated to stop the vile, nay evil trade in body parts.  If a woman can't make her choice in180 days, then there are bigger issues than just an unwanted pregnancy.

In  exchange, Bumbledicks will immediately begin opposing mandatory tests, masks, injections, and medical procesdures of any kind.

We'll call a truce on the cornucopia of other issues until this cease fire sticks.

Despite this purely rational and equitable solution, I know what the Bumbledicks will do.  They will want revenge and will start pushing their assault on everyone else's body integrity rights even harder.  I cut them a little slack, because what's left of their minds is fogged over from vaccines and carbon dioxide poinsoning. 

But hey, it's worth a shot to save the human race.

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