If you answered "yes" to any one of these, then you are a victim of mind control and should proceed immediately to detox your mind.
It's like this, if some group of elite can make you truly believe in some outside force that will show up in a blaze of glory and set everything to rights, then you won't do anything to protest the elites' machinations. Rather, you will sit idly by fervently praying for your hero to arrive and whisk you away while cleaning house here on Earth. Whether your hero is a god/man wielding righteous indignation, a benevolent race of extraterrestrials, or a billionaire playboy-turned-philanthropist, all these characters trigger your wait-and-see mode. That way, you won't get in the way of the ruling class as they enslave and destroy our, as of this moment, only home.
I've never had much use for Karl Marx, but one thing I have always respected was his view and the use of religion to placate the masses and prevent them from taking matters into their own hands.
The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.--Kart Marx, 1843, Contribution to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right from the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher
A careful reading of this quote reveals some profound insights. He points out that religions are at once foisted on people, while at the same time they are a reaction against cruelty of humanity against itself. Ultimately, religion rechannels our basic impulse to right wrongs, by short-circuiting that impulse into some future outside justification event.
By buying into these programs, we are rendered inactive, like blowing smoke on bees when robbing the hive. Regardless of the religious origin of the "righteous revolution," we see it in many secular movements, as well.
The secular versions recast the reformer(s), but the basic storyline is the same: don't take matters into your own hands. Leave that for the "righteous experts" who are far better equipped to handle these things. Whether it's Batman or the Avengers, or greys or aryans, or even, as Clif High rightly pointed out in a recent interview on Red Ice Creations, the David Wilcock/Benjamin Fulford scenario of the Yakuze arresting all the banksters, we are powerless lumps of flesh incapable of handling our own affairs.
As Marx so eloquently states, we see the evil and suffering caused by injustice, but we are indoctrinated to believe that we can not capable of fighting such things. Instead, we turn to outside forces who will come someday to vanquish the foes, avenge the downtrodden and set things right once again. In a sense, this is opium to ease the pain of our inaction and impotence.
In many ways, Marxism and its spawn spring from an impulse to stop the suffering of humanity, but even Marx is derailed by his reliance on some organization to inflict change from above. In fact, history shows us that any organization, no matter what motivates it, can be perverted to serve the elite power structure.
Whether it's Tea Parties or Occupiers, socialists or capitalists, christians or muslims, all group efforts can and are ultimately suborned to the cause of those who would subjugate humanity. Without fail, all are infiltrated and redirected, while at the same time the members continue to believe that they are doing right. In every case, the groups are placated by small and meaningless concessions from on high, and so feel that they have succeeded in the midst of their failure.
There is only one sure way to completely vanquish the forces of evil and secure justice for all. It comes down to complete and personal responsibility for one's actions, and allowing everyone to do as they please within the confines of their bodies and property.
The first and deadliest fallacy of any group effort is that the group knows what's best for all others. In the end, all groups believe that theirs is the only way to find peace and justice, and proceed to ram it down everyone else's throats. In doing so, the group feels justified though they have simply traded places with the previous bad guys.
The only possible way to fix things is for everyone to pursue enlightenment in whatever way works best for them within the confines of self and home, and leave everyone else the hell alone. Any system of law, no matter how wonderful and divine its apparent revelation, involves forcing someone somewhere at gun point to adhere to that system. And since all use of force in inherently immoral, then all governments and systems of law are immoral is they have one single person who is forced to follow.
Marx, like so many others before and since, sought to replace one set of elites with another. No matter how benevolent the new elite seem, at some point they will seek force to control others, and so devolve into the enemy of free choice and justice.
As Roger Daltry famously warbled, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Anything which subverts the quest of the individual to be left alone and to pursue his or her own course is opium for the masses. By passing the responsibility off to some outside savior, we hand over our own wills to create our own paradise. If we create something good, then others will want to join. But if they are forced to follow, then the leader is no better than any other elite throughout history.
Most importantly, we need to stop allowing others to stop our natural impulse for freedom by promising us pie in the sky saviors who will never materialize, and will simply continue to evolve as old ones fade away.
John Dalberg-Acton told us that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." He failed to mention that there is one power that is incorruptible, and that is power over Self. If we limit ourselves to conquering our Selves, there is no room for corruption, since we are prevented from forcing others into our world.
Just to prove that you are now cured of mind control, watch this snippet of a nightly newscast. If it no longer has power over you, then you will see the truth behind it...
Or we can depend on billionaire playboys popping up to rescue us, but frankly looking at Bill Gates doesn't inspire hope.