Here Thar Be Monsters!

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The Real Sickness of Official Dumb

Jakarta's so-called "officials" have taken to making people lie in a coffin in public, in addition to a $29 fine, for not wearing a mask in public.  Not only are these bozos and buffoons completely clueless about the studies and science regarding the use of mask - and likely being paid by WHO and other NGOs to promote this crap - they are relishing their imaginary power.

Since blasphemy is still a crime in Indonesia, punishable by jail sentences up to 2 years, it is now appropraite to counter-charge these noneheads for their profound lack of faith in Allah's mercy, wisdom and grace.  Forcing folks to wear masks and take medical treatments flies in the face of Allah's Great Plan for Humanity, and they are thus blasphemous.

If they can throw the former governor Ahok in jail for nothing more than quoting the Koran, then this is much, much worse.

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